Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cereal and Fruits

I've been extra busy so I haven't been able to post much and experiment much on food lately.

This is just a quick post and view on what one can come up with for breakfast. Since May of last year, I have decided to not skip breakfast and make it my main meal of the day. This was primarily because I read somewhere that eating breakfast will jumpstart one's metabolism and help you avoid gaining weight fast. I think it's quite effective because I was able to lose weight after a few months and am now maintaining a healthy weight according to my BMI.

Anyway, I haven't really kept that promise because when I wake up late (which is 30% of the time), I would settle for water or a piece of bread. Then, I discovered that our local mall sells pre-cut fruits. To make the long story short, this is what I came up with - a quick and healthy breakfast.

What I used:
-Corn flakes cereal
-Pre-cut fruits (pear, watermelon & grapes) that I bought in a local supermarket
-Instant milk and cereal

What I did:
I just mixed them all up. Lol!
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